Dr. Kirpa Johar

Missing Teeth Replacement

Missing teeth is one of the most common dental problems though widely it is actually considered as insignificant. But loss of teeth could lead to functional problems and cosmetic problems. The mechanism of chewing is compromised due to loss of teeth.

A missing tooth and an empty space can be physically and emotionally, a very trying experience. It causes immediate aesthetic displeasure. Also leaving a gap unattended can have unwanted results such as shifting of remaining teeth, misalignment and periodontal disease.

The primary goal of implantation of a missing tooth is to restore the lost tooth back with better strength

Advantages of having implant in single tooth missing area

  • Getting implant is like getting back old strong tooth
  • No need to grind adjacent natural teeth
  • Double the strength than old natural tooth
  • No food accumulation
  • Tooth colour/shade is of patients choice